Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Stop Your Boyfriend From Breaking Up With You - What Not To Do

Has your boyfriend just called off a great relationship with you? Are you wanting to know how to stop your boyfriend from breaking up with you? The first and most critical thing to do is stay calm. You are probably somewhat panicked over this and that can really cloud your judgement. Before you do anything, read through this article to make sure you don't fall into the trap of making one or more of these common mistakes when you try to stop your boyfriend from breaking up with you.

1. Do not text, call, or contact him after he has broken up with you. Doing so will only show him that you have not accepted the break up and can't get on with your life without him. He needs his space right now and contacting him will only push him farther away. Giving him space will also work in your favor because it will allow him time to miss you. If you've been together for a while, he will naturally miss you when you are not around. You can use this to your advantage later.

2. Do not let him see or hear about you being depressed or unable to get on with your life. This is a common mistake. Girls often want their ex to know that they are hurting and feeling miserable after a break up. But please realize that this does not help get him back. Guys don't want a girl who is needy and pathetic. They'd much prefer to find another girl who's happy and fun to be around.

3. Do not blindly apologize for everything that might have gone wrong in the relationship. He will not take you seriously if you apologize for everything no matter how small it might be. He may also end up feeling that you don't understand his real issues. But if there are one or two things that you did that were clearly wrong and have affected the relationship, then it is fine to apologize for those actions.

4. Do not get upset and try to get back at your boyfriend for breaking up with you. Do not try to interfere in his life or become threatening in any way. Coming off as unstable will not help your case at all. Doing so is a sure way to lose him forever.

It is critical that you avoid doing any of the above things when you develop your plan for how to stop your boyfriend from breaking up with you.

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